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Supporting All Saints Church, Morston

About 'the Friends'

All Saints Morston stands on the coast road at the eastern entrance to this north Norfolk village. Overlooking pasture, fields and saltmarsh, the grey mediaeval building rises over a steep churchyard. The distinctive brick-patched tower makes it a favourite of artists both local and from further afield.


It is a church of outstanding character. Built between the 11th and 13th Centuries, and with a magnificent 15th Century painted screen, the nave and chancel retain an atmosphere of worship continuous for nearly a thousand years.


However, All Saints needs constant care. That is why in 2003 the Friends of Morston Church was formed. The money raised by FMC is devoted to maintaining the fabric of this beautiful place. I urge you to help us continue our fundraising.


In the first thirteen years the Friends have raised £142,000, which has been an excellent performance. Even this amount is not enough to prevent the ravages of the north Norfolk weather from deteriorating the structure of the Church.


In 2014 it was estimated that £170,000 would be needed over the next few years. As a village of fewer than 100 people, we are dependent on the generosity of the public, Friends and Members of our charity.


Please help by becoming a Friend, or by making a donation for this very special cause. All gifts are welcome, but legacies and regular donations by Standing Order are especially so, as this enables us to plan our future work better.


Peter Tibbetts


Our Team

Peter Tibbetts - Chair
Carole Bean - Deputy-Chair

Rob Metcalfe - Treasurer

Susy Harrison

Sandra Morris

Sally Metcalfe

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Our Charity Commission registration details, including trustees, financial returns, etc, are here.

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